The financial aid process for the 2023-2024 school year will begin on April 16, 2023.
Financial aid is available for students in grades 6-12 for families who can demonstrate the need for financial assistance. Career Prep & Workforce uses Tuition Aid Data Service (TADS) to evaluate all financial aid applications. The Financial Aid Committee determines awards based on recommendations from TADS along with all other information submitted.
Priority will be given to current Career Prep & Workforce families applying for financial aid.
New families should complete their admission and financial aid applications simultaneously.

For financial aid consideration:
Returning students must be re-enrolled.
New students must be accepted and enrolled.
Both parents must complete a financial aid application. In the case of divorce, each parent/household must complete the financial aid application and send in all required documents. The Financial Aid Committee will consider the resources of both natural parents. If the custodial parent has remarried, the committee will consider the resources of the stepparent.
A delay in completing the application or in providing the required information will affect a family’s financial aid award.
Most recent U.S. tax returns must be provided for financial aid consideration.​
2022 Tax Returns – Must be submitted with the application.
Financial aid applications will not be accepted after April 21, 2023.
Acceptance into Career Prep does not guarantee financial aid.
For additional information regarding our financial aid process, please contact the
financial aid office at 1 (866) 867-3730. For assistance completing your application online, contact TADS at 1 (800) 477-8237. All required supporting documents must be uploaded or submitted directly to TADS.