About Us
Career Prep Academy of South Florida is an alternative Approach Private school that focuses on the social, emotional, Pre-vocational and academic needs of our students. Educational programs are in accordance with the Florida Department of Education standards. Students enroll into Career Prep with a variety of behavioral difficulties accompanied by learning disabilities or as a Student that shows potential to dropping out of school. The Academy is set up with a low staff-to-student ratio in order to address the individual needs of each student with 60 students per shift with a very low classroom ratio. Students and staff interact in a family-style atmosphere that is both nurturing and supervisory. All students and staff participate in socialization groups daily, in order to foster trust and interpersonal communication skills
Career Prep Academy provides a supportive atmosphere where students are encouraged to make the transition from adolescence to a productive adulthood by developing self-esteem and by raising their own expectations for success in the future.
The instructional programs at Career Prep are developed according to the individual needs and academic abilities of the student population through individual and cooperative learning strategies. Classroom instruction is modified to meet the Career Prep Academy Common Core Learning Standards. Career Prep offers all students the opportunity to earn a high school Diploma, In addition before a student is admitted we will access the student and provide instructional and work-based learning opportunities required for the Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential. Intervention plans are used to monitor student progress. Students who consistently demonstrate academic and behavior progress will be placed into our Job training and placement phase.
Our most restrictive setting within the Career Prep program which provides students a smaller 15:1: classrooms setting, offering a flexible curriculum directly combined with mentor counseling services throughout the school day. The Rebound Program focuses on providing a safe and supportive environment where students realize the value of school and become more productive students, as well as responsible citizens.
Career Prep Academy
18901 SW. 106 Ave.
Miami, FL 33157
Phone: 1 (866) 867-3730
Fax: 1 (305) 521-0487
Email: contact@careerprepworkforce.org
Website: www.careerprepworkforce.org